Wie schnell doch die Zeit beim Reisen vergeht – aber noch schneller vergeht sie im Alltag. Vor fast 4 Monaten standen wir noch bei Juan auf dem Hof und so lang ist auch unser letzter Blogbeitrag her. Also was ist seitdem geschehen? Wie sind wir wieder…
Kategorie: Brasilien
After working almost 6 months in Sao Paulo Brazil I started traveling for 4 months through Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. It was always a dream to do this trip and I can say I really lived my dream. In this time I…
After more than six month I am now going to spend my first night out of Brazil, in Venezuela. Time to look back to the great time I had. But first let me tell about the last days in Brazil. When we left the ferry from…
Swing to the left, swing to the right. I really can get used to that. I put my hammock next to my friend Matze on the upper deck of the boat Ana Beatrix. I am quiet tired, cause we left Alter do Chao very early in…
Our first stop in the Amazon was Santarem, a city of 300.000 inhabitans on the place where the Amazon meets the Tapajós river and they both form a huge river which looks like a lake when you see it. Our plane landed in Santarém after we…
Jericoacoara on the north coast of Brazil is often called as the “backpackers paradise” and after several days of traveling we definitely needed to relax some days that we decided to go to the not easy reachable costal village of Jericoacoara. To go to Jeri from…
Our first destination after Rio de Janeiro was Salvador de Bahia. Matze was still missing his luggage, but thanks to that he didn’t have to carry a lot, cause we used the public transportation to reach the city center from the airport. Our hostel was prefect…
Once upon a time I was staying in a hostel where there was a quote saying that you can cure stress within putting the backpack on your shoulders and your feet on the street. The time for me was come to leave Sao Paulo where I…
When it was sure for me that I am going to go to Brazil for my internship, I knew that I have to go to Rio for Carnaval! I did it, that’s what I can say right now, but first it was not easy to find…
2 weekends ago I was together with my friends David (England), Julian (USA), Hidir (Germany) and Michael (England) on a roadtrip to Itamambuca, a nice beach next to Ubatuba and 250KM from Sao Paulo. We most of the time went to surf and we had a…
One month ago I was writing about my thoughts about São Paulo. Today I want to continue this and I am going to add things I observed the last days: São Paulo – The city of Helicopters I already told in this blog, that the traffic…
This year meant for me the second time in my life to spend Christmas far away from my family. For my Japanese roommate it was totally ok, cause in Japan, Christmas is for friends and New Years Eve for the Family. Nevertheless for me it was…
São Paulo – the city of superlatives. According wikipedia are 20 million people living here. Since almost 3 months I am one of the 20 million. Working and living in this city is from time to time a challenge. There are things I like, there are…
The local football team Corinthians from São Paulo won this weekend the Brazilian championship. The second question what people ask you here after where are you from is, what football team from São Paulo do you support. São Paulo FC, Palmeiras or Corinthians. People told me…
One of the things I really like about Sao Paulo is that you can easily escape on your free days. Like this weekend. My friend Juan from Argentina decided to celebrate his birthday in a rented house with pool 10 minutes from the beach. A Spanish…
The 15th of November is in Brazil national holiday. This year it was a Tuesday and if there is a national holiday on Tuesday, it normally means that Monday is free too. When my company sent a round mail to their employees telling that there will…
Last weekend I went with my friend Paty from Brazil and four Japanese guys to the Oktoberfest. Normally if you say this, you’re going to Munich, but we went to Blumenau, Brazil. There are several Otoberfest all over the world, but the most famous after the…
This time I only would like to speak this video for me. Its about my daily life in São Paulo… A day in São Paulo from Mathias Vatterodt.
What are you doing normally at the weekend after a long hard week at work in Brazil? Make a trip to one of the beautiful beaches!? Go out with some friends for clubing and spend the most of the time in bed to relax and recover!?…
Last week Monday was my first day at work. Fernanda from AIESEC picked me up at my apartment at 8:15 in the morning and showed me the way to the bus stop, which is only 3min from my building. There is a bus going directly to…