Myanmar – Durch das Land der Tausend Goldenen Pagoden nach Indien

Now the day was come. After 143 days on my journey on which I traveled 28.128 KM I only had one big destination: To reach India by land. I passed 17 countries, experienced a military coup and two deaths of head of states (Uzbekistan, Thailand). I only had to go two times to a car workshop and my biggest breakdown was a flat tire. I went up to 5400 meter and saw the four biggest mountain ranges of the world (Pamir, Hindukush, Karakorum, Himalaya). Ten friends and three family members joined me on my trip from which we will speak for a long time. Together with my travel mates and new friends I had incredible 143 days. I made it! Icrossed the border river with my mother on my side and put the first time the feet on Indian land at the Indian customs.

Geschafft! Ein gewaltiger Sprung nach vorn!
Well done! A big jump for reaching the goal!

And now? Is this journey finished now? Wasn’t it the slogan “The long way to India” which characterized the journey? What comes now? I can tell you one thing: The adventure didn’t finish yet! I already made some planes until I have to be returned to office at the 3. July 2017…

To the travel statistics

The route of the journey

Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


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