Laos – Im Schatten der Vergangenheit. Eine Reise durch eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt

Once I arrived in Nong Kiao I found the peace I was looking for. The sleepy village is located by a river which goes into the Mekong River close to Luang Prabang. Only a few meters left and right from the river Mattock Mountains grow like mushrooms towards the sky. You can hear the sounds of insects, birds and monkeys which come from the never ending green of the jungle. It was a good live in this part of paradise. And it didn’t get boring because I met already at the first day Patrick and Stefan from Germany who both are traveling by their own.

Panorama von Nong Kiao
Panorama of Nong Kiao
Nong Kiao von einem anderen Aussichtspunkt
Nong Kiao from another view point
Entspannung in der Hängematte
Getting some rest in the hammock
Das schöne Umland von Nong Kiao
The beautiful remote villages around Nong Kiao
Bei einer meiner Wanderungen wäre ich fast in dieses Spinnennetz gelaufen...
At a hike I almost walked into this spiders web

Somehow after a while the whole village knew that I was going to drive to Luang Prabang so my car was completely booked. In Luang Prapang I met a girl who worked in a tourism company and I learned some useful stuff like that when you want to buy some souvenirs at the local market, the people already tell you a price which is close to the real price. They don’t like the hard negotiating and they will accept prices even if they don’t earn any money with it. So please dear reader: When you plan to travel to Lao, please accept the prices they tell you at the market or just negotiate a little. The people there need the money so much!

Fischer im Dunst auf dem Mekong
Fischerman in the morning on the Mekong
In zahlreichen Höhlen um Luang Prabang sind viele Buddha Statuen zu sehen
You could see several Buddha statues in the caves around Luang Prabang
Eine Fahrt auf dem Mekong gehört zu den Highlights
Sitting in a boat at the Mekong is one of the highlights
Captain Mathi kennt den Weg
Captain Mathi knows the direction

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