Einmal quer durch Indien

The in total 300 KM extra for the National Park were only worth because of the beautiful roads and nature around. I was arguing at the park entrance with the guard who didn’t want me to stay overnight in the park. A reservation for a lodge is necessary. Fine I told him, can you please call one of the lodges and ask them if I can stay? Sure he said, took his phone and deals a number. Nobody picked up so he said: “Sorry all camps are occupied. You can’t stay in the park”. It is a nice interpretation of this “phone call”. So I had to leave the park before 6pm. Later the luck is again on my side when I met a group of IT Indian travelers which shared a boat with me for crocodile watching (otherwise I had to pay the full price for the boat by my own).

Der Weg zum Nationalpark. Es wird grüner :)
The way to the national park. It is getting more green!
Uhreinwohner in landestypischer Tracht
Natives in typical dresses
Die Attraktion: Krokodile am Flußufer
The main attraction: Crocodiles
Die Kuh ließ mich einfach nicht essen!
This cow didn’t let me eat!

It was too late today for Puri. As always I try to avoid driving at night. I looked at the map for a place to stay for the night. There could be a spot next to the river Mahanadi so let’s check it out. When I reached the place I have to admit: It is beautiful. But why does it smell here so bad? Well I choose a spot next to a village which is used as a public toilet. The villagers don’t have a toilet in or at their house so they use the river banks. Some kilometer downstream I found a better place. No public toilet, only a place where women wash the clothes. I had a nice view to the river. It is a good spot to spend the night!

Eigentlich ganz schön doch neben dem Auto sind die Tretmienen schon sichtbar. Kein gutes Nachtlager.
It is a beautiful places but you already can see the traces of the village toilet. So not a good place for sleeping…
Eine gerade Fläche zum schlafen. Dazu kein Dorfklo und eine schöne Aussicht. Ein guter Schlafplatz!
A place with level. No toilet. A good view. A nice spot for the night.

Quiet close to Puri a guy tried to rip me off at a “village toll station”. I already asked myself how they could ask for a toll for this shit roads. But this man really ask me for 500 rupees (8€). I started laughing because its five times more than I paid for a good highway. But he insists that I should pay and takes out a piece of paper with for me not familiar letters but a 500 on it. I told him that I am not going to pay while the cars behind me started already to horn. I left my car, locked it and went to the cars behind me for asking for the price. The first guy said 50 rupees. And what a surprise now I have to pay only 50 rupees. I am pissed. I went to the guy and told him that he is a fucking liar, promised him bad karma and threw the 50 rupees to him. The road barrier opens. Nice try.

Im Morgengrauen liegen dichte Nebelschwaden über dem Land
The mornings are most of the time foggy
Eine sehr schöne Fahrt nach Puri
It was a very beautiful journey to Puri

I met Bubu from Couchsurfing in Puri. He is 47 years old, has a wife and a daughter and owns a restaurant and a travel agency. He let me sleep in his guesthouse for free which he plans to open soon. He also helped me to get a new license blade. One morning we started cycling around the villages and he introduced me his motor-paraglyding-friend who invited me for a joy flight over the beach. He eventually invited me to his tourist lodge on the country side which is surrounded by tribal villages. The village is 500 KM from Puri, but somehow on the way to the south so I told him that I would come.

In Puri sehe ich zum ersten Mal den Indischen Ozean. Der Golf von Bengalen, an dem ich hier stehe ist Teil davon.
In Puri I see the first time the Indian sea. The gulf of Bengal is part of it.
An der Ostküste reiht sich ein Fischerdorf an das nächste. Fischerei ist Haupteinahmequelle.
On the east coast are many fishermen villages. Fishing is the main income.
Zeit für einen Kochkurs. Jetzt kenne ich ein paar indische Gerichte :)
Time for cooking class. Now I know some Indian dishes 🙂
In Puri ist einer der heiligsten hinduistischen Tempel, der dem Gott Brahma gewidmet ist. Ein wichtiger Wallfahrtsort und dementsprechend gut besucht
In Puri is on of the most holiest Hindu temples for the god Brahma. A important place for Hindu people so it is packed for sure.
Ein neues Nummernschild für das Auto. Indian Style halt.
A new license blade for the car. Indian style.
Ein spontaner Rundflug über den Strand.
A spontaneous flight over the beach.
Der Sonnentempel Konark. Nur 30 KM von Puri entfernt und ein lohnenswertes Tagesausflugsziel
The sun temple Konark is only 30 KM from Puri
Beeindruckend: Der über 1500 Jahre alte Tempel ist mit tausenden Figuren verziert. Indisches Paradox: In der Gesellschaft prüde, auf dem Tempel viele Figuren in
Amazing: The over 1500 year old temple is covered by thousand of figures

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