Einmal quer durch Indien

I choose a village at the coast in between as a stopover for one night as I wasn’t in the mood for 11 hours non-stop driving. My feeling was good because when I arrived at the place close to a village at the coast I found already a nice place for the car. After some minutes I am surrounded by curious villagers. I am the first foreigner in the village and the fact that I came from Germany by car made them asking me millions of question (some even don’t know where Germany is and that there is a road connection and not just sea). One question made me worry a bit. They asked me whether I am not afraid spending the night alone in the car at the beach. But I have a good feeling. After I spent some time with the villagers and after I shared tea, fruits and cookies I felt very safe. And from their own the promised me that they will take care. And after I helped the guys with the car next to mine to break into their car (they lost the key at the beach) I had the respect in the round of guys.

Tote Schildkröten am Strand. Sie gehen den Fischern in die Netze, ertrinken dann und werden schließlich an den Strand gespült.
A dead turtle at the beach. Caught in a fishermen net the turtle dies in the water and get spilled at the beach
Die Dorffrauen bringen das Wasser aus einem Brunnen ins Dorf. Die Männer stehen derweil um mein Auto und staunen
The women of the village bring the water to the village while the men are at my car and talk to me

Next morning. What a beautiful sunrise. I am sitting at the car drinking my tea. A villager came and squatted some meters away in the sand. Wow I thought, this man has sense for romantic moments and watches the sunrise. But for sure his intention was different. I have to get used to the village toilets I thought while I regretted my morning swim in the water at the same time…

Mein Stellplatz am Strand
My place at the beach for the night
Unterwegs auf indischen Straßen. Immer dabei: Der Ochsenkarren.
On Indian roads: The ox-cart

The 300 KM detour to the village was more than worth!  There were beautiful nature and really some kilometers on which I didn’t see a single person (rare in India). The villages are very easy and are reminding the visitor towards old times in Europe. Bubu invited me to bicycle tours and introduced me to the village people. I would never come so close to the people without a local. I am astonished how they could keep their culture and tradition over generations and enjoy the silence (it was really quiet!) for some days in this paradise.

Auf dem Weg zum Dorf: Jeeps mit dicken Lautsprechern. Ein Wahl steht im Gebiet an und die Bewerber präsentieren sich lautstark.
Election time: Many cars with huge speakers on the road
A nice village
Frauen verkaufen Palmenwein auch zum Sofortverzehr auf dem Markt. Nach 11 Uhr sehr stark besucht.
Women are selling palm wine which you can drink already there. At 11am very busy.
Frauen mit typischen Schmuck
Woman with typical collar
Ein Mann genießt schweigend von sicherer Entfernung den Trubel
A man enjoys the silence
Im Nachbardorf geht es schon ruhiger zu
It is even more quiet in the neighbor village

Ein Töpfer zeigt seine Fähigkeiten

Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


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