Das etwas andere Indien

We started very early the next day to leave Manipur and drove to the state of Nagaland. On our way we passed a never ending military convoy. We drove through deep mist on bad roads. But the disappearing fog took also my bad feeling away. We watched towards deep green mountainsides. Small little villages were next to the street. It was clean. We liked it here.

Durch das Wirtschaftsembargo gab es lange Schlangen an LKW an der Grenze zu Manipur
Because of the economy embargo there were long queues at the border to Manipur state

The people in Nagaland equal more the people of Myanmar or South East Asia than the Indians. If you look into the history books you know why. In the 19th century Nagaland and Manipur were independent before India annexed later both states. We couldn’t find any free hotel in Kohima, the capital of Nagaland. It was the first week of December where the Hornbill-Festival takes place in Kohima and which attracts many guests. At the end we were lucky that we could stay for free at the parking lot of a hotel. Now we had some time to discover the city. And randomly we crashed into a parade of Naga-people who pulled a massive stone towards the city hall.

Ein Blick auf Kohima
View towards Kohima
Der Umzug der Naga
Parade of the Naga
Frauen in typischen Trachten
Women in typical Naga dress

From Nagaland we went to the third state – Assam. It looked already quite different here. The mountains were gone and with them the Nagas. From now on we looked into more and more Indian faces. Tea plantations were part of the daily view out of the window. We felt more comfortable in the warmer regions of the country.

Another reason why we liked it here were the two national parks Kaziranga and Manas. In Kaziranga National Park which is located at the river banks of the Bramaputra River we could see many rhinos.  It was a very nice atmosphere with the rhinos and water buffalo which were grassing at the river during the sunset while it became slightly foggy.

Ein Panzernashorn
A rhino
Ein Eisvogel
An ice bird
Water buffalo
Dieses Nashorn war nur wenige Meter von uns entfernt
This rhino was only a few meter away from us
Abendstimmung im Park
Evening atmosphere in the park
Morgenstimmung am Parkrand
Morning atmosphere in our hotel

Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


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