Abenteuerland Georgien

Back to the village of Zabeshi we picked up our car and took the same way back we hitchhiked but continued to Ushguli. Concerning the guide book it is Europeans highest village where people live all year long (is Georgia part of Europe?). The drive was a big adventure again. The street was partly right to a canyon and we were happy that no car came from the other side at some narrow points.

Angekommen in Ushguli
Arrived in Ushguli

After another hiking day we slept in the car (because we were running out of cash). We decided us for a place with free view towards the highest peak of Georgia – the peak Schchara (5.200m). The thunder storm at the night was quit heavy but we enjoyed the perfect panorama at the next morning.

6:00 früh
8:00 früh
10:00 früh
10:00amWhat came afterwards were five hours off-road. Oh my god, my nerves. We managed to do 74km in this time. To fresh up our hitchhiking karma we invited a polish hitchhiking couple to drive with us. We took the road from Ushguli to Lentheki which was in a very bad condition.

But we survived also this part and after arriving in the village of Khopuri we stayed together with a farmer family. And this because our new polish friend Piotr knew some Russian and had a lot of patience. The couple invited us to stay for free cause they could travel with us. The daughter of the family showed us around including a natural Jacuzzi of the river. At the night we were singing German, Polish and Georgian songs together with the youth of the village. At the next morning we woke up in the idyll I was describing at the beginning. Perfect!

Piotr, Ana (aus dem Dorf), Dirk, Ascha (Piotrs Freundin), Mathias (links nach rechts)
Piotr, Ana (From the village), Dirk, Ascha (Piotrs girlfriend), Mathias (left to right)
Baden im Whirlpool
Taking a bath in the natural Jacuzzi
The farmer house where we slept in

Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


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3 Kommentare

  1. Armin
    16. November 2016

    Hallo Matthias.. verfolge deine Reise jetzt schon ne Weile.. macht Vorfreude auf meine naechstes Jahr 🙂 haette einige Fragen bezueglich einigen Staaten.. hast du ne email Adresse oder so wo ich dir schreiben kann? Gruss, Armin

  2. 13. August 2016

    Hey Mathias,

    war ein super nettes Gespräch … Ich hoffe du hast den Aragats überlebt … wir mussten leider weiter haben dafür jetzt ein Iran Visa … Schicke Seite übrigens (vor allem das Theme) und wenn wir die Fotos so sehen wünscht man sich auch bessere Ausrüstung 😉 … Alles Gute auf deiner Reise und trietz den Pajero ordentlich dafür ist er da …

    Liebe Grüße
    Annina, Karl, Luna und Chacha

  3. Matze
    9. August 2016

    Klingt sehr schön… Nur das mit der Verwechslung 15 mit 50 kommt mir irgend wie bekannt vor Weiterhin viel Spass

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