Durch das wilde Rajasthan nach Nordindien

Also the second advice of the old man was nice. On the beginning I thought: “Not another temple. Should I really stop here?” The Jain temple of Ranakpur was actually on my way to Jodhpur and the old man also told me to eat there because they serve very cheap and good food for everyone so I decided to stop. And he was right, the food was cheap and delicious and I had it with about twenty other people in this time who sat next to me on the table. After lunch I was tired and really thought if I should spend the 5 Euro entrance for seeing the temple from inside. But whatever I am probably here only once in my life so let’s check it out. And for another time I couldn’t stop being astonished of what I saw. The whole temple was made of marble and columns, walls, ceiling and podiums were covered with countless depictions of people, plants and animals. A master piece of stone carving!

The incredible marble carving works in the temple of Ranakpur
The incredible marble carving works in the temple of Ranakpur

Jodhpur. The blue city. For me it was on the beginning the city of narrow roads where I maneuver my Pajero through to reach my accommodation.  Several times some helpful pedestrians took in my way standing motorcycles to the side that I can pass. Some motorcycles yelled to me “This road is not made for cars!” So I was the reason that the traffic got stuck but after a while I arrived sweat bathing the yard of my hostel. The owner of the guest house was awaiting my arrival together with his two ugly and constantly barking dogs. It was incredible hot in Jodhpur and once again I scheduled my activities to the morning and the evening. But a walk in the evening was a quite dangerous project. Young people were driving extremely fast and constantly honking through the way to small streets. I had to take care all the time and sometimes I could only save myself for a painful accident death with a jump to the side. On the bigger roads the traffic regularly got stuck and the vehicles made a honking concert which Mozart couldn’t compose better. I escaped into a sugar cane juice shop to calm down and the sweet juice really helped me to relax.

Jodhpur is slowly awaking
I like it how Indians following the traffic rules
Also the dogs need a siesta

So Jodhpur is called the blue city and I could see that from the massive Meherangarh fortress. They say that the blue color should keep the mosquitoes away. Others said that the blue color shows that the owner of the house belongs to the Brahman cast. And my guesthouse owner meant that the house stays cooler with the blue color. Whatever it’s true I am pretty sure that the vendor who was specialized on blue color must be the happiest guy in town or must be a genius vendor who had the perfect selling arguments for the blue color which he had stored too much.

Contrast in the blue city
View towards the blue city

Since 200 years a man walks up to the Meherangarh fortress with a bag full of meat. Hundreds of eagles are awaiting his arrival. In a majestic way he stands on the fortress wall and throws the pieces of meat in the air which the hungry eagles grab before it touches the ground.  Even today there is a man of the same family doing every day at the same time the walk of his ancestors. I was leaving the fortress when I spotted the man on the walls. He notices my interest which I showed with my camera and he waved to me. He gave me the sign to come up to him so I ran as fast as possible up, passed the guards while saying that I forgot something up there and entered a restricted area. One man tried to stop me but I ignored him. Then I reached the friend of the eagles and watched in a small shelter how he fed the animals.

A squirrel is having a nice juice
The Meherangarh fortress
The blue city from the Meherangarh fortress
Eagles enjoying free food

Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Mathias Verfasst von:

3 Kommentare

  1. 19. Oktober 2017

    Hallo nochmal
    Wie gesagt, ich möchte seid zwei Jahren mit dem eig. Kfz nach Asien/ Indien fahren.
    aber bis jetzt habe ich mich noch nicht so richtig getraut…
    Ich war jetzt mit meiner Freundin seid 03/2015 im Auto unterwegs von Marokko bis Istanbul.
    Nun sind wir getrennt und ich möchte alleine bzw. mit Hund nach Asien kommen.
    Braucht man zwingend ein Allrad Kfz?
    Wieviel Geld hat dich der Diesel gekostet bis Indien?
    Wo bist du momentan unterwegs?
    Wie hast du Reisebegleitschaft gefunden?
    über antwort würde ich mich risig freuen…

    • Mathias
      21. Oktober 2017

      Hallo Timo! Also erstmal Glückwunsch zu dein Vorhaben! Also zwingend brauchst du eigentlich kein Allrad, kommst auch mit einem normalen Auto bis Indien. Allrad macht wesentlich mehr Spaß, sobald du in Bergregionen oder Wüsten bist und mal etwas die Umgebung neben der Strecke kennenlernen willst! Hund kann an bestimmten Grenzen vielleicht schwierig werden, aber solang du alle Dokumente und Impfungen hast, sollte es gehen. In Indien gibt es aber sehr viele Straßenhunde die schon die Menschen und noch weniger andere Hunde leiden können. Also das solltest du überdenken. Wie viel Diesel du brauchst, hängt von der Strecke ab. Ich habe 28.000 KM bis Indien gebraucht und hab dabei knapp 2400 Liter verbraucht. Im Durchschnitt kostet der Liter Diesel 75cent, wobei er im Iran 19 Cent und in der Türkei 1,40 Euro kostet. Die kürzeste Strecke sind 10.000 KM, dabei geht es durch Iran und den Süden Pakistans. Insgesamt bin ich knapp 56.000 KM gefahren und bin auf den Rückweg durch Pakistan durch. Meine Reisebegleitschaft waren allesamt Freunde, den ich von der Reise erzählt habe und eine Etappenweise Mitfahrt schmackhaft gemacht habe 🙂 Das hat ziemlich gut geklappt! Ich schick dir mal eine Mail, wenn du Fragen hast kann ich dir gern helfen!

      Viel Spaß beim planen! Mathias

  2. Mathias
    5. Oktober 2017

    Hallo Namensfetter, ich bin zwar schon 60 Jahre alt aber du lebst meinen heimlichen Traum, Respekt und Glückwunsch vor so viel Mut.
    Wünsch dir alles Gute für deine weiteren Vorhaben

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