Die Umrundung des heiligen Berg Kailash

I continued along the road. The kilometers are passing while I am in thoughts. I am passing a group of yaks which are carrying the luggage of some tourists. I try to do a photo but the yaks almost walked over me. Lets continue! But not too fast because the air is getting thinner with every step I take.

Flüchten vor der Yakherde
Running away from the yaks

I am meeting Lydia, Jeroen and Nicolette in a tea tent. They started earlier from the last monastery and were warming up with some tea. I am taking an instant noodle soup which I instantly regret. What a terrible taste! But whatever, it is some energy for the last 7 km. When I left the tent some clouds where leaving the peak of the mountain and I could see the complete Kailash. I am not able to say a word. What a beautiful mountain!

Der freiziehende Kailash. Werde ich jemals mehr von dem Berg zu Gesicht bekommen?
The clouds are moving from the Kailash. Can I every see this mountain complete free of clouds?
Pilger auf dem Weg brauchen auch eine Pause
Also the pilgrims need to rest

The last kilometers to the Dirapuk monastery are difficult. I am feeling the 21 km in my bones. The monastery is painted in dark red and has golden statues at the rood. The sky is getting clear and in the late afternoon we could see the complete Kailash. We’re sitting on a small hill just behind the monastery and are astonished by the nature.

Das Kloster Dirapuk
The monastery Dirapuk
Die erste Etappe ist geschafft
We made the first stage!
Der Kailash liegt nun frei!
The Kailash is now free of clouds!
Panorama Kailash und Kloster
Panorama Kailash and monastery

Couple of time later we’re observing even a small ceremony and sit in the room of the mayor monk and see how a child got blessed by him.

I wake up in the middle of the night breathing heavily. We stay in a small guesthouse just in front of the monastery. I can see the Kailash out of the window in the moon light. While sleeping here on 5.000m I was doing the normal breathing rhythm. But on this altitude it means too less oxygen. That’s why I woke up breathing very heavy. I fall hardly to sleep. It is still dark when the wake up alarm rings. I don’t feel well. Just today before we have to climb the high pass!

Blick aus dem Fenster
View out of the window

Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5


Mathias Verfasst von:

Ein Kommentar

  1. Einmal im Leben das Mt. Kailash zu umrunden ist ein Traum für Tibetaner, auch viele Gläubiger aus Indien und Nepal sehen eine Kailash Umrundung ein Muss. Wir ware fünf mals am Kailash gewesen und den heiligen Berg komplett umrundet, einfach unbeschreiblich!!! Unterwegs haben wir viele nette und freundliche Einheimische und Pilgern kennengelernt, die gemeinsames Glaube wie wir haben. Sobald die Covid Pandemie vorbei geht, werden wir sicher eine neue Reise zum Kailash planen!

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